The Joy Of Folding Pt1

OK so you've cleared out your clothes, you only have items you love. So how are you caring for these clothes? For lots of us it involves chucking everything in the machine together, powder, fabric conditioner. Then dryer/outside. Just an aside, I no longer use fabric conditioner or biological washing powder especially for female underwear and nightwear. The chemicals in these products are a sure fire way to induce reactions ie itching, thrush and urinary tract problems. I use non-bio on all clothes now at 40 degrees on a thirty minute wash and our clothes are always clean. What happens then? Some spend hours ironing, some just hang up or fold from the dryer. They then stuff said item either into an already full wardrobe where no matter how well you've ironed it or how quickly you hung it from the dryer it will crease due to being pressed up against other clothing. Or the push it into a drawer stacked in a way that means you have to rummage to find anything, ...