The Joy Of Travelling Pt2
Switzerland I first became aware of Switzerland when I discovered the story of Heidi It is a story about a young girl who lives with her grandfather on a Swiss mountain. I read the book and then watched it dramatized on T.V I was entranced, the T.V showed the mountains I had been dreaming of ever since reading it 3 times back to back. I grew up thinking it couldn't be real That no place on earth could be so beautiful Boy was I wrong! We set off quite late from the site in France as with all of our trips we had no firm plans no site pre-booked to rush to Just the enjoyment of the open road and anticipation of all that was to come. We stopped at an aire just before Switzerland and whilst Andy cooked amongst the fag butts I enjoyed a beer Beer for the non-driver is an absolute must as the non-driver it was my dubious pleasure to be the main fo...